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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. I think this is what Softube call a “feature”. I love Amproom but it’s the WORST in terms of load time, CPU hit, etc.
  2. This Brit Class better make all my dreams come true. That's all I'm sayin'.
  3. My account was hacked. I would never (knowingly) make such an absurd statement.
  4. Only missing Class A. But do I need another channel strip? No. Just like I don't need another reverb. #hurryupfabfilter
  5. Damn. Just grabbed Arturia V8. I should probable figure that stuff out first. Shouldn’t I?
  6. Have a great time, Larry!
  7. Wait just one minute here...isn't that why they're called "plugins"?
  8. I really like ProR2, but still find myself going back to character reverbs or Arturia Intensity. I think it’s more habit than anything. I’ve heard ProR2 described as “sterile” more than once but will give it more air time soon. That said, my target reverb now is Cinematic Rooms or Seventh Heaven Pro when BF comes around. Missed out last year, but really loved the trials for both.
  9. Looks like he might be in the middle of another cruise…in a hurricane!
  10. If it’s not Scottish, it’s cr@p.
  11. I love Amproom but the CPU hit forces the need to immediate bounce the track. No different with this new release. The best thing about this release is a stereo delay with BPM syncing. But the amps sure are pretty (and sound great).
  12. I’m only here for Larry’s vacation pics. Keep ‘em coming, young man!!!
  13. Sounds interesting but this is a VERY mobile unfriendly experience. I’ll check it out at home later.🤨
  14. https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/xo
  15. Yeah, sorry—someone asked if there was feedback for it and I clearly posted a response in the wrong thread. I really should just carry on working. Thank you.
  16. I've used it for a couple of hours and it's interesting as an option. I have a load of DynIRs that I used with WoS a few years ago so having those options makes all the difference; the stock cab options are limited. The modeling is OK - nothing that would replace my NDSP or Mercuriall plugins but I haven't tested all the amp heads. I like the workflow - a lot - and the assortment of plugins do the job. I complain about Amproom CPU on a daily basis, but this one takes the cake. If I were to use it in a session, I'd be constantly printing audio so I could disable the plugin and free up CPU. Apparently, they're working on resolving that. All in all, it's not going to replace my daily plugins but it's the first time I've messed with NAM profiles which you can load directly in the plugin. Haven't spent a ton of time with that part of the rig but if they sounded anywhere near TONEX models, I'd use Genome in a heartbeat. TONEX is just too much of a rabbit hole for me, and the UX isn't my cuppa.
  17. Hello Tonocracy friends, Exciting news! Atomic is unlocking the Full Version of Tonocracy for ALL users! This includes ALL of our SchemAcccurate amp models including these new additions: EVan53 Red based on the EVH 5150III Red Channel EVan53 Blue based on the EVH 5150III Blue Channel This is effective immediately and is part of the latest release of Tonocracy (v2.0.0). https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0016Q4Huqhu3o-SyRy6wPxdY6V8uWavEGDPIU4EI-L8lQOVC68gZmN2vDcPWBSZ2aavtHuAY3QbhW5RthbgjeFJgPLm1B64ZK-pWQxpGUy3apRnRNh-AdYH6vc3iyvzK0QNPlCgySdNxqz1A3Mkpt3px3Q9pr6ErhggMSOpgWZIbk9CMGuOSQQiWiGIYtVrwmobZ5Y3h6_aiMn9_d-6Vp30BA==&c=emetWswesdoEITIualG-6tcTAIqVBCqFoVwb3pKBLuUVEZ3ejaN_8A==&ch=LjyteOkMcybSRDHCq81NoT6D_pO5-D2W_lRupWH6PILCaUc9fPXMqQ==
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