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John Michels

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Posts posted by John Michels

  1. Hi all!

    I discovered Cakewalk this summer and what an amazing tool it is! I had to take a break due to life but I am back to experimenting.

    One thing I loved that I figured out over the summer was being able to create a melody in the piano roll, usually with Vital, and then enable the arpeggiator in the midi side panel (not the "insert effect" one) and then use "bounce to clip(s)" to essentially edit the individual notes in the piano roll to reflect what I heard with the arpeggiator enabled, automatically disabling the arpeggiator after but keeping its effect embedded in the actual notes themselves.

    Yesterday I was fooling around with a melody and created something I love, however, when I bounce it to clips, what's produced is considerably different than what I hear with the arpeggiator enabled. It's similar but not nearly as good and changes the flow and rhythm far too much.

    I searched like crazy since then but have not been able to find anything regarding this specific issue. Can someone help me understand what I'm not grasping? Or another method to achieve the same result?

    Thank you for reading and for any wisdom you can dispense!

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