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Posts posted by isingit@netscape.net

  1. Thank you both for answering. I did Google (Brave) search but almost all were non germane to my specific needs which is why I asked here, where people reside with these specific experiences. I'll check those links out, appreciate it. I've been working off of a spreadsheet I found that listed all those 3rd party addons from the previous CW versions. I've been installing versions out of sequence though.  I probably have to uninstall the CbB as I installed it just after fist installing CW Platinum... but..  only after that, I found that I additionally needed X1 and X3's old goodies. I'm probably making a mess in my registry.  Installing  X3 it stopped me cold, asking for "disk 4" to proceed with installation.  I just want the Loops and One Shots from that version, pretty much have everything else in Platinum,  and if I don't have to install the whole X3 program to get them, that would be nice. 

  2. I'm now upgrading to using a newer computer, faster etc. I'm going  to reinstall older Sonar programs (to get ALL the previous addons, plug-ins, 3rd party programs, which is what I want) but do I HAVE to install them in sequenced order of their number (X1, X2, X3 then Platinum and finally CWB)? Or can I install them in any order? I ask bc I already installed Platinum and CWB following the recommendation for previous Sonar owners  but am still missing some content from previous Sonar versions. I want them all. Do I now have to start over and uninstall the Platinum and CWB and start again with installing IN ORDER the Sonar X1, on up etc? I hope not because then I think  it will likely require me to erase some registry entries.  I don't want to mess up my registry or my Cakewalk functionality.  Just hoping someone here has done the same thing and has experience to know how I should proceed to avoid hassles.
    OR... how to get the old Command Center to do them all for me..? So far it will default to Platinum and I can't get it to do the same for the other Sonar products I own. 

  3. Oh I don't comment much and not savvy w the acronyms. I'm liking these comments they are very germane to what I need to know. What is CbB? Is it Bandlab Cakewalk? I've used WinAmp and love that you can have more than one instance of it open at the same time, thus two identical playlists open or different ones to quickly pick next from a large list, plus STOP at end of ea play, it's essential. I use very old computers bc the software & hardware I find easiest and WORKS (PCDJ Red 5.2) also stops after each play but has a kill date and won't work with anything after XP! So old but works. Have to keep comp OFF WiFi, never update, and backdate the comp too.  Made for DJ's so A & B players can keep music going when needed. Again, old tech.

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