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Geir Henningsen

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Posts posted by Geir Henningsen

  1. Aah, so it was only present in the 32-bit builds. That would make sense, thanks! 🙂

    I'm mainly looking for a way to better integrate my Yamaha stuff with CbB, and found OPT to do wonders in that regard in the past. Seems like it has to be Studio Manager, then.

    - G - 

  2. Hi all,

    The OPT plugin format for MIDI device editors is old and probably forgotten by most. While very handy as a Recall tool, it never quite became the industry standard Yamaha was aiming for. It was integrated by Cakewalk into Sonar 2, and was still in place with my old Sonar 8 installation, although by then renamed OMPS for some reason.

    I skipped the X1-X3 versions, and eventually got Platinum, but I think the OPT/OMPS menu option was gone at that point. It certainly seems to be missing in Cakewalk by BandLab, so I'm wondering:

    Could anybody shed some light on when (and possibly why) OPT/OMPS plugin support was removed from the codebase? Did the technology become proprietary at some point (Steinberg Studio Connections), or simply impossible to maintain from a technical point of view? 

    Best regards,

    - G - 

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