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Myriad Rocker

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Posts posted by Myriad Rocker

  1. Thanks for posting that Carol Kaye video.  Super interesting listening to her talk.  I wasn't remotely familiar with her, but knew her work without knowing of her.  Great stuff and inspiring.

    On another note, I'm a subscriber of Rick's, so I saw this video earlier.  I'm not a good drummer when playing the actual instrument and don't actually own a kit.  But I'm a decent programmer.  It's just what I have available and that's what I use to make music.  Get to it, right?  Anyway, I'm on the search for a technique to use when programming drums that gives them feel and room to breathe.  Groove.  I think that partly lies in the tempo map and getting a good swing in that tempo map.  Then it's also about note placement.  It's the note placement and the swing of that placement that I am needing to work on and get closer to the feel of a human.  I'm open to suggestion there or if there are articles I'm not aware of.

  2. 1 hour ago, scook said:

    FXpansion is one of the few drum synth manufacturers who implement the VST2.1 effGetMidiKeyName opcode which CbB uses to populate the PRV notes pane names. IOW, using BFD3 there is no need for a drum map or extending the master.ins to see instrument names in the PRV. It would be nice if all of the drum synth manufacturers bothered to implement this feature.

    That would explain why I always saw note names back in the BFD days.  For SSD5, I just modified the master.ins file.  Easy enough.

  3. I used to use drum maps.  But then I had about a 10 year break from doing anything recording related and forgot how to do all that.  These days I only have edited versions of the "note names" file that I just set the PRV to use depending on the VSTi drums I'm using.  Super easy for me this way.  These days I use SSD5 exclusively, but I also own BFD3 and I'd probably just want the note names for that as well.

  4. So I've been out of the game for a long while and I came back to find that my old DAW of choice (after purchasing Reaper) was free?  Anyway, I seem to remember back in 2009-ish that automation envelopes overlayed the tracks themselves and could be adjusted there.  Now I have to manipulate them on the "automation lanes"?  Is there a way to move them back to overlaying on the track?  Tried searching the forum, but perhaps I'm not using the right search terms.

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