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Sani Nassif

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Everything posted by Sani Nassif

  1. Hi Family, This song is a musical presentation, with evidence that makes it extremely obvious, for all that want to experience and research the information presented in the slides, that aliens, hybrids, sasquatch etc., have existed and been right in front of everyone's face for a long time. But have been ignored due to many peoples fear of extending beyond the small bubble of reality they know, and also just due to being missed by those trying to research as there is alot happening all around us, just like when we forget our car keys in our hands. This information is presented to help bring world peace, to help us become aware, that we are all particles of energy/consciousness/light manifested from a Oneness in infinite different forms,(that is presented in the first 4 seconds) to help manifest an infinite amount of heavenly realities; realities where we are aware of who we are, help eachother remember with infinite different artistic ways, and help seed/foster/watch over/guide life on other planets as well. And when we all reawaken to this reality of who we are, all these broken civilizations that remain broken only due to our fear of discovering who we are, will all re-unite, and work towards our true purpose. First bringing life to all the deserts on Earth, fixing and healing the Earth. Then traveling to other planets and helping do similar things. That is what the end of the video is about. Any thoughts on what's presented would be greatly appreciated, and all slides/information presented are presented in 4k high resolution & meant to be paused for anyone interested in seeing/researching much of the information presented. Also the greatest immersive experience is on a laptop screen, with good quality headphones. The information is presented also in a unique one of a kind way with music, rather then talking, because music activates our greater sense, helps us see beyond all the fear, all the imaginary walls and borders we have built up, and instantly helps us sense/remember we are all One, we are all particles of energy, from and still connected to a Oneness that connects all things, time/occurrences/vibrations throughout the cosmos. And at any moment, through that Oneness, we can connect again, beyond all these lines an borders, beyond all the fear, see/feel we are all One, and can again remember see/sense any occurrence throughout the entirety of the cosmos. So this music is meant to literally take us there, to take us to the ancient past through our greater sense of Oneness, along with presenting physical evidence that can be experienced with the 5 senses from the body. So in every way this song makes really obvious the truth for those that want to find and research it. I really hope it helps, and I really hope that if everyone realizes this can help bring world peace, can help us remember who we are, can help us re-unite, that you will please share this effort. It is our collective effort of literally millions of hours; these pieces literally came together, not only after much time from me, but from many artists across vast distances and time. I hope we can consider sharing, remembering, and together working to make this world the heavenly place it is meant to be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80swebmjOqM Below are some of the slides that can be easily researched, the pyramids on Mars built in alignment, (size/brightness as well) with the constellation of Orion, mirrored with pyramids in China, Egypt and Mexico constructed in the same manner, along with the face on Mars, and the kiva structures on Mars, all in the same space of Mars, Cydonia. Then the Vadoma 2 toed tribe, the hairiest people on Earth, mirrored with portrayals of Sasquatch/Chewbacca done by the Freemasons/Illuminati in movies to help humanity re-awaken to who they are/our lost history, to help us re-connect to the ancient past and re-unite divided civilizations. As well as mirrored with the only actual image of a dark haired species of Sasquatch pictured by Rick Jacob's motion activated hunting camera in 2007 and many other researchable slides, all the slides are detailed further in this facebook album to make research more simple. But for sure they are all researchable again just by pausing the video and searching things like, oldest Buddha statues, Abominable Snowman footprint, Gorilla footprint etc., though the information is much more quickly available through that facebook album. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.5428071180613811&type=3 And here is the google drive link without detailed descriptions for some pictures, but the images are in original resolution as facebook compresses. http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1r9mi-KcIOIkxV4bf66UEQ6eZ8yeGAd9I
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