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Rok TheKasbah

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Posts posted by Rok TheKasbah

  1. John Vere, I wont break down all of your breakdowns. 

    let me address a couple comments however:

    *You said you are a long time user but this statement implies a very basic starting level with Cakewalk*

    lol. And your statement implies what, exactly?

    Even assuming you were not way off base with your assessment, what exactly would the utility of that comment be, pray tell?

    *And just to enlighten, its a Bus not a channel*

    I see. Well, color me stupid.

    Why did you cherry pick around two references I made regarding the *metronome bus*?

    *I can still see the meters on metronome bus are rising and falling in time with the metronome, even when I can not hear it. I would assume the bus is just not routed to the mixer in some way*

    Bus, Channel, whatever. Were you trying to be helpful...or pedantic?

    Band name idea:   John Vere and the Semantics.    : )

    Just for clarification, I have used four iterations of Cakewalk, probably more than a couple thousand hours using the software, from the purely midi sequencer version up through Sonar, and I have never encountered this problem, and I dont recall ever needing to know that the metronome existed on its own *bus* in order to record midi in to the software along to a click. If I saw it, I probably blocked it out because I have no desire to pan the click or add reverb etc. 

    In fact, today | loaded two different templates in Bandlab, *basic*, and *4-track*, and I got the metronome to function correctly, and was able to record normally in both, and the *metronome bus* was no where in the arrangement view, or the two visible channel strips. I was able to record multiple tracks in to the sequencer, hearing the metronome as I always have, and I did not need to interact with the metronome bus at all.



  2. I watched your entire video. My question was not addressed.

    Also for reference, I started using Cakewalk 3.1 back in 1993. I have used several iterations of cakewalk as well as a dozen other DAWs. Cubase, Studio One, Reaper, Nuendo, etc. I am mentioning this in hopes of aiding anyones efforts who may try and help me, so they can avoid spending energy chasing down leads they might assume if they thought I had never used Cakewalk before.

    The problem is I can hear the metronome for the 1 measure count prior to the recording. As soon as the transport starts and I start recording midi events, the click from the metronome turns goes silent and I can not hear it.

    Also I should mention I can still see the meters on metronome bus are rising and falling in time with the metronome, even when I can not hear it. I would assume the bus is just not routed to the mixer in some way, except that I can hear the first four clicks from the 1 measure count it prior to the transport starting.

    Does anyone know what is causing this? Thanks for any help.

  3. I have click track enabled for both recording and playback. I click record and I hear the 1 measure count in of the metronome, but then the click track goes silent when recording starts.

    I figured out metronome has its own channel now, and I can get the click track to sound during recording if I assign the output to my interface, but then the virtual instrument I am playing makes no sound because it doesnt like being interfered with by the metronome. Can someone tell me how to simply have the metronome play while I am recording midi events. Thanks for any help.

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