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  1. I got most of mine for free via the codes they regularly give away via the music tech magazines and via their Christmas gift. I have also bought some of those codes very cheaply from KVR; $7 for 4 packs. If you want to buy in bulk, you'll see people selling them cheaply too. I noticed people on Knobcloud selling packs of 15 for $45. So yeah, $19 for one is a non starter and $39 is a bad joke. I like AAS but the marketplace prices make a mockery of their list prices.
  2. In the past, you could use an Essential serial number to get a discount for an Update/Upgrade when purchasing direct from Celemony. I upgraded from Studio 4 to 5 for €9 as my Essential serial number gave me a €20 discount. The serial number was already registered to my account but it still worked which was a surprise. This was last November so it still may work!
  3. It seems a good way to add loads of instances of EQs, compressors etc to a large mix, whilst leaving the CPU free to handle the more demanding stuff. Although, I could upgrade my CPU, Mobo and RAM for less than this after selling current hardware and that appeals to me more. I'd rather get a much higher single core speed and double the cores, which is what I'd get doing that. With AMD seemingly announcing the Zen 5 chips in the week ahead, there are plenty of good deals on the first gen AM5 Zen 4 chips.
  4. They also have a sale with their reaktor packs 60% off.
  5. But the search facility at JRR is by far the worst I have ever seen, so a direct link is welcome. Not that I'm buying this, honestly!
  6. Are these made from balsa wood? If you play like Cecil Taylor, it wouldn't last for a day.
  7. There’s a 30 day demo of the full version if you want to test it.
  8. If you received 10 as part of a Magix bundle, any idea if they are currently allowing a grace period upgrade? I had a version years ago via Magix and that license didn't allow it, but I have heard other saying that it worked with version 9 and they were able to get 10 for free.
  9. "Elevate your productions with our curated collection of 22 UAD plug-ins and instruments." That's a lot of gear for the bucks, deluxe or otherwise! Who can afford to use Waves these days! 😃 Although, they used to do great deals on Gold or Platinum in the past, which are much bigger bundles. Not that size is everything!
  10. 50+ taxes the last time I checked my account so this is lower. 30+ taxes is very cheap if you like this sort of thing.
  11. 50+ taxes the last time I checked my account so this is lower. 30+ taxes is very cheap if you like this sort of thing.
  12. I recall, but it doesn't even appear to be on offer right now, at least for the full version.
  13. When you are buying a bundle at Melda, if it includes any plugins you already own, they credit you based on the full price I believe. So it is generally better to buy them at Melda as you get 70% rather than 35%. But, there are plenty of Melda freebies that can be had for free or picked up via Knobcloud etc. If buying those, as long as you buy them at less than 35% of the full price, you’ll get the best deal when buying a bundle that includes them. I followed this strategy and picked up Complete for just over £300. Having that has satiated a lot of my GAS.
  14. I logged into my account and the upgrade to M-TRON PRO IV from the free version was 40 + VAT.
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