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Sean MacGillivray

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Posts posted by Sean MacGillivray

  1. 2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    That's a different issue. Are you referring to tracks assigned to "none"? Depending on your export settings they may have been getting skipped since they are not audible.

    The OPs situation was that that he had buses assigned to patch points, but the patch points were not assigned to a track so it was leading to a boundary case.

    Hi Noel,

    Yeah that's it, I had four tracks in the session which had wave data I didn't want included in the bounces, so I had them assigned to "none".  Assigning them to the main buss solved my issue where the songs that had wave data on those tracks would not export properly from a Task in the Task Queue.

  2. On 3/10/2022 at 2:23 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

    You should remove references to the dead patch point then. Why keep patchpoints that are no longer in use. You had buses that still output to those patchpoints. These are corner cases that cause issues like this.

    Edit: @gmp I've identified and fixed the underlying issue that could lead to this dropout happening for next release. It will work ok with patchpoints that are partially connected.


    Noel, this was actually super helpful for me in working around a different issue! I was super excited to get Task Queues for exporting bounces, as I have an entire record in one session file and so being able to set up a variety of time ranges + export settings is really ideal.

    I was finding that certain songs would write a small placeholder file at the beginning of the task, and would appear to export the audio, but then would never write the final file. The issue was reproducible to an extent but would occasionally not happen when I exported those tracks subsequent times.

    After reading your comments about null busses, I remembered that I have four additional channels which are not assigned to any output bus because they're just holding lanes for editing purposes. The four songs which exhibited the issue consistently were the ones which had wave data in these channels.

    Cakewalk complains about these channels every time I open the session - I can't say I wasn't warned! - but until I started using the Task Queue it had never been a problem to leave their outputs assigned to nothing.  I have those channels muted anyway so I just assigned them to the main buss and it totally resolved the export issue; all the files are being reliably written every time now. Thanks for your insight, Noel!

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