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Posts posted by HOOK

  1. I tend to reach for Edit/Undo with the mouse instead of Ctrl/Z shortcut.  I also have a custom button setup so I can just reach up there and click Undo quickly, multiple times if needed.

    But I find, quite often, that the Undo step that is listed under the Edit/Undo menu is one step behind what I'm actually undoing - showing the thing I just undid, instead of the thing I actually want to undo.

    Anyone else see this bug?

  2. I'll tell you from very recent experience that a Universal Audio interface via Thunderbolt on a Windows system is a total mess.  I had blue screen after blue screen.  I returned it and went with Lynx Aurora (n) via Thunderbolt on the same machine with the same Thunderbolt add on card and it works great.

  3. 8 hours ago, Lord Tim said:

    ^^ ...I can fix a slightly flat note, but I can't fix a less than stellar delivery, and if you're having to do 20 takes to get the pitching right, you might be having to throw out some gold to get there. Nobody hears how many takes you've done, they only hear the final performance you've kept.

    THIS... 100%.

    And I'll add....nobody cares if you used a little pitch correction here and there as long as it's not audible.

    Sometimes, a client will sing better and take more chances if he/she knows that you got their back like that.  And good things happen when a singer is feeling confident.

    Hell.  I've even (fairly often) fixed a vocal line for a singer if they keep delivering one note wrong.  It's REALLY hard to get a singer to deliver it differently if they've been practicing wrong.  Once they hear it right they have an "aha moment".  Then, they can run though it and practice with the tuned take and get the muscle memory rewired....and they nail it on the next take.

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  4. Thanks.  I do understand all that.  I'm specifically asking about the use of the zoom faders.

    The horizontal zoom fader centers the track view to the now marker and zooms in/out from there.  And finally, just now, figured out that the vertical zoom fader focuses on whatever clip has the track name highlighted in the audio track strip, on the left, not the actual clip that is highlighted.

    I can single click and highlight a clip all day long, but the vertical zoom fader still doesn't focus on that clip unless I also have the clip name highlighted in the audio track strip.  I just discovered that I can double click a clip and the name will highlight in the audio track strip.  Then the vertical zoom fader snaps that track to the top of the track view and is focused on the clip I'm intending to zoom in on.

    I find it odd, and it might be an oversight in Cakewalk...if I single click a clip (say on track 7), the highlighted track number changes in the audio track strip, but the highlighted track name remains highlighted for previous track I was working on (say track 10).  So I have a track number that's highlighted on track 7, but the track name is still highlighted on say track 10.  In this case, the vertical zoom fader is focused on the wrong track.

  5. When using the vertical zoom fader in the lower right hand corner of the clips pane, I can't seem to figure out what the trick is to getting the correct track to be the focus of that zoom activity.  Is there a way to do this?

    Horizontal is no problem.  Zooming starts from where the Now Marker is and centers on the screen...zooming in and out from there.

  6. I upgraded to Assistant 5 within the last 30 days or so.

    I'm having issues with it not initially lining up to the timeline.

    Sometimes....often...the blobs aren't even visible the first time I insert the Region FX.  I have to undo and redo to get it to show.

    Also having issues with it reverting to the rhythmic algo rather than the melodic one.

    I'm in the middle of a lot of re-recording of old songs, and I'm also having issues dragging clips to the timeline to build the automatic tempo map.  It usually locks up Cakewalk.  I have to shut it down with task manager and then try again.  If I'm lucky, I can see the tempo before it crashes so that I can manually enter it when I open the project again.


  7. Alan...I'm using the Aurora (n) 8.  All good here.

    Have you looked at Cakewalk preferences to make sure it knows to use 1&2 as your main output?  Is your master buss assigned accordingly?

    I have Cakewalk set to:  Playback Timing Master and Record Timing Master set to Lynx 1&2.

    Also, within the ASIO panel (also accessible via Cakewalk preferences), you should be able to turn on and off which channels of the Lynx are available to Cakewalk.  Just have to make sure that 1&2 are checked off.  Then, hopefully, you'll be able to get your mains pointed in the right direction.


  8. This problem, with certain plugins, has always existed.  Some of my favorites cause latency and droputs if I try to track with them in-line.  The trick is to figure out which ones and only use them when mixing or mastering.

    Soundtoys, Cakewalk, Slate, Waves...I have plugins from each of these that make it impossible to track with them.

    Like Bill, I also have a template set up for mastering, and do that completely separately from the project after I settle on and export a mix.



  9. 15 hours ago, Larry Jones said:

    If you drag your freely played audio track up to the timeline, a tempo map will be created and should display in the tempo view. Then the drums should follow the tempo changes. I believe you have to have Melodyne installed for this to work, but I think any version of Melodyne is acceptable, even the trial of Essential. Good luck!

    I'm using this trick to re-record some 20 year old songs where I want to keep vocals and some keys from the original multi tracks - while re-recording drums, bass, guitars, etc.  But there's only a very slight drift over a 4 minute window from the original drum machine I used.

    I could be wrong but it may be that a better solution for the OP might be to use audio stretch to force the random performance to follow the drums instead - depending on how badly that performance swings.

    I'm no audio stretch pro.  I've never been able to get my head around it no matter how many videos I've watched.

  10. Historically, I've been MANY versions of Cakewalk behind the current version because the older versions worked well for what I did.  And since I had clients constantly in, I couldn't afford to have stuff break on update, which happened a couple times before I just abandoned updates for as long as possible.  But now that I'm only using Cakewalk for my own songs, I use the current version.  And I'm still constantly looking for the "Clone Track" option.  I'm not sure when this disappeared exactly, or why the nomenclature had to change to "Duplicate Track".

  11. On 11/30/2022 at 9:35 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

    I've had the RME UFX for a long time and have had no issues with their ASIO drivers. The only thing is the device doesn't work well in WASAPI mode and in ASIO it doesn't support changing latency from the host side - you have to do it via the driver panel. Relatively minor issues.

    I got a chance to setup the RME UFX II USB this weekend and compare it to the Lynx Aurora (n) Thunderbolt.  Good lord....that was a hard decision.  The RME USB driver is pretty shockingly great!  I ended up choosing the Lynx because I thought it sounded slightly better.  But that RME UFX II brings a lot to the table and the converters sound great, although I thought the higher frequencies were sweeter, and the low end was a little tighter on the Lynx.  I wasn't in love with the tiny screen for input and output meters on the RME.  I found that the RME was turning the meter to red to indicate clipping when things actually weren't.  That was annoying.

    The RME was good enough that I almost kept it.

  12. 3 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

    The simplest, quickest and easiest solution to your existing clicky-splices is a slip edit. Wherever you clear a click, hover the mouse over the upper half of the leading edge of the clip until you see the triangle cursor. Then drag from the left just a little bit - as little as 1ms - just enough to hide the click. 

    That's what I did for many years.  I found it tiresome because I do a lot of it.  Setting up the Fade All command does exactly that - but automated.

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  13. 1 hour ago, ed swift said:

    I've just migrated a project from sonar. I haven't used cakewalk in anger yet so this is fairly new to me. I've just noticed when I cut a portion of audio track and paste it into another track it produces a click at the start of the pasted selection. Expanding/magnifiying the offending wave does not show a spike and selecting the offending click area and setting the gain to zero does not remove the click.

    This procedure did not produce clicks in sonar.....is this something we have to put up with in bandlab or is there some way to prevent it.

    How that never happened to you in Sonar is a mystery to me.  Cutting and pasting audio has always caused this if you're not cutting at a zero crossing as @Lord Timsuggested.  His solution is one.

    Here's another solution that I prefer.  I do  ton of cutting and pasting audio while I'm noodling with ideas in the very beginning of a song, so I hear this "clicking" fairly often.  I set up a custom button in the tool bar (I called it Fade All) which triggers the Fade Selected Clips function.  I have it set up to linear fade 1ms on the front and 1ms on the back of each clip.  I can just lasso all the clips and click "Fade All".  Literally, I can lasso every audio clip in the project and click this button.  Takes a split second, and every clip on the clips pane is faded front and back in a way that you'll never hear it.  But it definitely fixes the cuts that are made at a non-zero point.

    If you set up the Fade Selected Clips function to "Only Show if pressing SHIFT", it just does it with a single button click.  No need to click ok.

    • Thanks 1
  14. Thanks.  I forgot to mention one important thing.  This audio disturbance is after playback is paused, but reverb and echo tails are still finishing off.  Long reverb...long delay....or long  cymbal wash from vst drums.  It's not a deal breaker...it's just really annoying.  Higher buffer settings doesn't fix this issue.  Once these audible tails are gone, the issue is gone.

    As far as the interface goes, it's external.  The Lynx Aurora (n) on a Thunderboltex 4 add on card.  My understanding is that this is basically PCIe, so maybe you consider that internal.  I had the UA Apollo x6 up and running on this same Thunderbolt card for about 3 weeks and didn't have this issue,  and I put at least 12 hours on it tracking and mixing.  I mean...I got blue-screens when I changed buffer and sampling settings, but I didn't have this particular issue while tracking or mixing.

    I'm also trying out the RME UFX II USB, which is supposed to show up today.  So I'm curious to see if it also has this issue.

    I updated to the latest video driver last night but that didn't help.  The Thunderboltex 4 card also has video ports on it, but I don't have those jumpered to the board or plugged into video monitors.

    Basically, I'm probably being lazy.  I still have the old video card that worked great with my now-dead MOTU 24i/o.  That would be the final move to attempt a fix for this issue.


  15. It has been a long time since I setup Cakewalk with a new computer and a new interface.  I had a MOTU 24i/o running for the last say...15 years.  That's how long it has been.

    Knowing better, perhaps, I decided to try the onboard video that comes on the i7 12700k with this Asus board.

    I'm getting smallish clicks and disturbances when I start playback sometimes.  But this seems pretty prevalent when I stop playback and click the mouse in various places on the screen.  My gut is telling the this is what happens when Cakewalk doesn't like a video driver.

    Does that seem right?  Am I barking up the wrong tree by trying this onboard video?



  16. If I had a dollar for every time a client stood behind me over the last few years, while I was tracking them in Cakewalk, and he said...."Huh...I wish I could do that in Pro Tools", I'd probably have about $20....lol

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