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Shawn Lee Farrell

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Everything posted by Shawn Lee Farrell

  1. Hi, I'm shawn from I have been using CakeWalk since Pro Audio 9 and have had so far what I can only say has been a rewarding experience both financially and spiritually. One of things that those of you who really put in the countless hours over a lifetime expanding and honing your musical abilities is that your writing the songs about yourself in the past, present and future at all times in the studio. Always remeber that the songs you write today will help shape and influence your future on this earth and beyond. Where you are in the spectrum of skill or time practicing makes no difference you will immediately experience of building a better future for your self and being happy by putting in the hard work. Last thing I want to keep this short have fun and enjoy the process! -SLF2024@#1TRUMP-VICE! (BELIEVE IT!) Song of mine to used for NEW CAKEWALK INSTALL THEME below - "SONAR_TEST.mp3" attached! ENJOY! SONAR_TEST.mp3
  2. I've always thought that a phone with dedicated VST's on it would be a great idea and phones are very powerfull these days could take a load off the processor...
  3. Some of you have been using it for years and are in the know...grass roots gorilla marketing and raising awareness among musicians of the sonic abilities abounding in CakeWalk and the price by BandLab can't be beat! Spread The Word and Feel The Love! -SLF Producer, SoundTracker APP Using CakeWalk by BandLab since Pro Audio 9 previously AMIGA Bars and Pipes Pro with Studio AD516 preceeded by MusiCalc & Music Construction Set on my Commodore 64 and I love It!
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUJP71Y40tM&feature=youtu.be ^^^ Das VortexRyder! (soundtrack foir audio labs...)
  6. I have found with advanced multimedia programs there is a free or open source product available that is often superior than most if not all paid options...radical projects by artists not marketers hoping to win over an audience.
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