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Posts posted by mrobrecht

  1. I had a project in Sonar Platinum that was completed and I output a mix to a wav file and saved the project.  I then opened a new project with a mastering template I had created leaving the saved project open.  During the launch the Ozone 8  plugin crashed. After restarting Cakewalk with the original project, the audio clips were there in the correct places, but had no waveforms and did not play audio.  All the audio files were still in the project audio folder and all are uncorrupted.  Cakewalk doesn't show them as missing at launch, but doesn't seem linked to them either.  The odd thing is that the record number in the clips in the project and the filenames do not match.  Does anyone know of a way to recover the link from the project clips to the files? The hard way is to re-insert each file to it's correponding track, time align them, and redo all the editing, comping and automation.

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