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Marcel Manzardo

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Posts posted by Marcel Manzardo

  1. 7 hours ago, lapasoa said:

    I use one track for piezo pickup and a second track for a Neumann U87 microphone and put them L and R. In this way you have a more controlled sound using a differente level of reverb for each track.

    I have two identical mikes but they are pointing at different spots on the guitar.  if I move the guitar during recording, then the levels may vary and I may have to adjust one channel only. So definitely more control compared to recording on a single track.


  2. 8 hours ago, mark skinner said:

    Marcel , I think a single guitar can sound Very nice using a pair of mics. A "matched" pair is even better. Each going to its own  panned track. Way more control over everything this way. Then bus them how you like.  As far as recording and fixing sections ,  Sound on Sound is the "only" way I'll record.  If I don't like a performance  "undo" . Putting an "undo" button in the control bar was the first thing I did in CbB. Want to redo a section later , cut "them" and slip edit it out. Back up and re-record the tracks (like you did the first time) ,  then slip edit the dead space out . I always mark my mic stands and chair position with tape ,  just for retakes sometimes done days apart.   Everyone has their own process , this is the only one for me ..    mark

    Thank you for your suggestion. I will try the Sound on Sound and see how I do with the editing 🙂

  3. 4 minutes ago, Andres Medina said:

    I for sure would record to a stereo track, Much simpler -

    This stereo track  then could be routed to a bus or not, depending on your needs. If you are recording on different tracks (cloned from the first one), then all this tracks can be routed to a single "guitar" bus, and apply EQ, compressor, etc to all audio at once to this bus. One of the purposes of buses is to group several tracks to a single unit.

    You can use comping to select and arrange your takes made on a track, but you can rearrange this lanes in and out of other recorded tracks as well. CW is very flexible to adapt to your workflow and your preferences.

    Hope this helps!


    Thank you very much for your advice.  I will record to a single stereo track in the future. Because I always got lost making identical changes on multiple tracks.

  4. I have to preface,  that  I am new to Cakewalk and trying to figure out the best way to record acoustic Guitar.
    Here is as far as I got:

    • I have two condenser mikes and record in Stereo to two tracks
    • I create a bus for L and R and pan one track to the left and the other to the right which gives me two independent buses for each channel
    • The two buses have sends to a reverb and wider bus which are blended together to a master bus for final processing.

    This setup works well and gives me lots of control. However, if I record something complex I will have to inevitable re-record or correct certain sections.

    I am somewhat familiar with comping but that does not allow me to just fix a section easily because it will never be in the correct spot.
    Moving and trimming a fix on 2 channels at the same time appears to be VERY difficult.

    So here is my question how would you go about fixing/re-recording a small section of a song and then placing it into the same spot on multiple tracks?
    Is comping the correct method?
    How would you duplicate a section and re-use it when you have multiple tracks and you have to do the exact same manipulation on multiple tracks?

    Would you recommend NOT recording to two tracks but just record in stereo to one track, which would make fixing sections much simpler? 
    I could separate the L and R channel into buses afterwards if required, I believe...

    Your help is greatly appreciated!

    Happy Holidays! 



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