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Posts posted by razor7music

  1. 13 minutes ago, HIBI said:

    My thoughts: It would be nice, if status below is added by BandLab.

    • We hear you (Need more details)
    • On the backlog
    • Working on it
    • Completed
    • We have this feature

    I figure BL will, or should come up with their own statuses. I just wanted to provide some helpful ideas to kick things off. Anything is better than the way it is now. You keep going back to your post and seeing +1's added, but have no idea what BL thinks...

  2. Hello--

    I have an idea that when a feature is posted here, someone from BL state that the idea has been decided on--just to give some closure to that thread.

    Maybe some examples for a status of the post might be:

    • Not Reviewed Yet
    • Being Considered/Under Review
    • Existing Solution/Deemed Unnecessary
    • Deemed Unnecessary/Impractical
    • Great Suggestion/Will Implement
    • Will Consider for Future Implementation

    Here's an example of why I think this will help: A post is made for a feature enhancement. BL replies back with what they feel is a sufficient existing feature. Users post back that the existing feature isn't sufficient. Posts keep coming into the thread supporting the feature suggestion, and there may be no chance the feature will be implemented, but no one knows that.

    Closure is nice--especially for those that suggest the feature! 😁


    • Like 2
    • Great Idea 1
  3. On 1/3/2019 at 8:34 AM, CosmicDolphin said:

    Pretty sure that's possible already, not in my studio to check though.  But you can move any track(s) to any folder via the Track Menu , I don't drag and drop any more when sorting into folders as it can be flaky as per @Eamonn Dargan mentions.

    But the menu has an option to move to a given folder so I presume it works regardless of whether those tracks are already in another folder. 


    On 12/24/2018 at 9:47 AM, scook said:

    It might be useful but very difficult to implement and the search might take some time. Presets could be in the registry or on disk, stored as individual files or in banks. The location may only be obvious to the plug-in using the presets.  Presets can have a variety of file extensions that do not follow any standard. The search tool would need to be updated when a plug-in gets installed with a new proprietary preset storage system. Some manufacturers may be reluctant to provide information about their implementation.  Some plug-ins have thousands of presets. For example, my install of Rapture Pro has over 19000 presets all stored in separate files.

    That makes sense. Doesn't sound worth all the backend and other work it would take.


  4. I write in a short list of genres because that's what I like. However, whatever I write, it always has the influence of the styles I grew up liking. If someone were to tell me they want me to write something without those influences in it, they would be asking me to write something I don't like--so there you are.

  5. On 12/22/2018 at 6:18 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

    You can drag a track and drop it into another folder today. There is no need to remove and add it manually...

    So, Noel--

    We've gotten quite a few agreeing that the drag and drop isn't as fluid as being able to move from one folder to another--the same as you can move to a folder now (if the track isn't already in a folder).

    Is this something you would reconsider adding as an enhancement?




  6. Thanks. That isn't so easy when you have very large numbers of tracks, especially when the source and target folders are "out of sight" from each other (separated by so many tracks they aren't viewable on the same screen without drag-scrolling).

    I got a +1 and a -1. Any tie breakers?

  7. Sorry of this is a hijack...

    This may sound lame, but is there, or could there be a way to search for preset names that would include all plugins? There are times I want a preset I created, but I've got so many plugins I can't recall which one it was.

    Anyone else think it would be useful to be able to search by preset name?

  8. Hello--

    This seems like a small thing, but I would like to see the option to move a track to a folder even when it's already in a different folder.

    Right now to move a track from one folder to another, you have to remove the track from the first folder, locate the track, then move it to a new folder.






    • Like 5
  9. Hello Group--

    Just a light-hearted thread to see what everyone's into.

    Do you use your DAW to produce your own tracks? Are you for hire? What do you do with your tracks? Sell them yourself? Get them plugged by an intermediary? Audio for film? Etc?

    I'll start: I produce my own original tracks and get them plugged by a couple of intermediaries (Taxi, Hit License). I plan on investing in a digital distribution service next year--probably around summer when my Taxi subscription runs out -- then I plan on trying to sell my tracks through iTunes, Amazon, etc. via my website, etc.

    How about you? 😊


  10. Just found this at the bottom of Meng's post:


    'Will the old forum go away?

    In a couple of weeks' time, the old forum will become read-only, at which point you will no longer be able to post. However, we feel (and have taken your recommendations) that it remains a vital resource for the long term and we intend to keep it hosted and to remain in its current place at https://forum.cakewalk.com.'



  11. Glad to be here.

    Any idea on what will happen to the content/posts from the other Cakewalk forums? - http://forum.cakewalk.com/

    I received some great advice and instructions there, and just wonder if I should grab the info and store it somewhere else before it's decommissioned?




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