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John K

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Posts posted by John K

  1. Damn girl... If you were not an advanced yoga adept, you would have made one hell of a good moral orthodox Hindu wife. Hard core to the gills and sticking to your guns.

    Lowering my expectations here.

    What about a curry mix?  Not as elaborate as garam masala.

    Maybe I shouldn't be asking you to divulge your family's curry secret formula either?


  2. Jyoti, I figured that would be your answer given how strict and hardcore the tradition is. Then how about this request? (This got to tug at your heart strings)

    Garam Masala (spice combination)

    We have a big grocery chain out here where you can get garam masala. It tastes like eggnog spice with hot chili in it. Would make a better insecticide than a cooking spice. I know you must have some good family procedures to make the spice and don’t use garlic.

    Can I ask for your formula for garam masala?

  3. Jyoti,

    Tried to cook something and it turned to charcoal (again...wife just kicked me out of her kitchen...) You said you will share some good vegetarian secrets. New glorious thread up and coming. Done rejoiced enough here.

    I'd like to be first in line to ask about your family's lineage recipes for pickles. Anything you can share?



  4. Grem,

    The lion lives by what nature evolved it to be. It is there to kill and rip flesh to survive. No bad karma invoked because it is doing its rightful thing as per design.

    Human status was meant for more. Took us several million years to get here but would estimate that we are so far over 90 percent vegetarian by nature.

    Progress deals with slow steps, but the trajectory is care for the self, then care for the tribe, then care for all humans, then care for all life. We are not there yet but that is where we are headed. Diet changes as we evolve and understand our place in the play.

    Voyager, please follow through. Your voyage is only beginning. And yeah, you learn to flip off the idiots. Your analogy to 2001 Space made my day.

    Crap, I just tried to cook something and burned water again. Jyoti, please rescue me.


    Guys, we are in a terminal race with time to get the thread count up. We will soon be closing in on Bapu.

  5. JohnG,

    My apologies as well for messing up your name.

    I got to say your poem has me in tears and I might have to bow out of my top spot for poet laureate and hand it over to a better man.

    Maybe I just have to be content trying to push for record number of responses on this thread.


  6. Voyager,

    I thought at first you were going to bite my head off. Welcome here and sorry about what you have been through. It sounds like you could walk with the doctor so means that you recovered (hope completely).

    I think there are some good points to a yogic diet especially in your case. You may already have learned this in classes you took but can offer a review and maybe some things they didn’t cover.

    Vegetarian diet is at the core of it for ethical reasons that also mostly follow health reasons.

    My cooking skills have been compared to burning water. Sister Jyotishvarii may have some good tips and perspectives. I’m sure she can put mind/brain interface of the subtle second body on the back burner for awhile to get into diet. There is nothing worse than trying to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle and find yourself staring at a plate of lettuce and carrot sticks. Doesn’t have to be that bad. And the always present question, where do you get enough protein to survive.

    Don’t think that I’m making light of what you have gone through, but look at where you would possibly be right now otherwise. Slamming down tequila shots never questioning why you are here or where you are headed. In this spin on it, you are incredibly fortunate.

    The ancient heathens had a term “sam’vit shakti”.  No direct English translation but means an evolutionary energy that causes sudden awakening to the realization of the state of things. Inherent is the state of pain whether physical or mental that precipitates the crisis. The entity realizes in depression that he/she has been screwed by society, by religion, by defective schooling, by collective ignorance. Nobody has answers and nobody knows a way out of the sky dive to death. That is when the search begins.

    I will find contacts in your area and PM you if you can put forth the sustained effort to be dragged over a different set of coals in a process of rebirth. Jyoti can likely send you local info for the path she has adopted. Both approaches are of highest integrity, no money involved and will quickly get you out of the spandex social club.

    Right now, I got to get back to practicing my English punctuations. JonG has me doubting my ability to communicate. Maybe I should just lower my standards and accept a lesser Nobel Prize instead of seeking poet laureate status.

    Also to Jyoti. I looked all over the place for my grade school diploma. I can’t find it. I know it is here someplace since I saw it just a day before Obama came by to hang out. Strange, I can’t seem to find my birth certificate either.


    • Haha 2
  7. Jyoti, Friends,

    I understand the moral dilemma over my nomination and will try to improve my communication skills to be worthy.

    Your question easy to answer. JohnG’s analysis will take me some time to comprehend and act upon.

    Couple corrections please.

    Pranic body is not defined in proper speak in tongues heathen syntax as a kos’a.  Kos’a designates a receptacle of consciousness. Crude physical structure and five mental bodies are vehicles for life expression and thus defined as kos’as, but the second physical body is not. Second physical body is a transducer, an interface, but not a layer that expresses cognitive faculty. Observable by swami guru things as an aggregate of Prana’h, and here is where the aerial manifestation differs between the dead and the living.

    I know you can see, so look at the etheric aura of a coin. Then look at the aura of a human. Big difference you will notice is that the aerial projection of a coin is static 99.9999 percent. Aura of the human unit is in constant flux, signature feature of the living versus the dead or inanimate. A human corpse has an aerial aura but doesn’t glow as bright or jump around as much. You don’t have to even look at the body to say, yeah, that dude is dead meat.

    Prana designates life force. Aerial factor contains prana but undifferentiated aerial factor is not prana. It only provides the fuel for the bending and distillation of the elements necessary to connect body to mind in our struggling lineage.. Somewhere out there in the starfields, our concoction of a life/death link would be useless or even toxic.

    Constant effort of anything living on our planet is to take aerial vibes and force differentiation into ten conduits that can maintain transduction properties between mind and body. We eat food and much of the final energy goes toward maintaining, repairing the link.

    Aerial factor by itself is not life force although every particle of physical substance has to be supported by an aerial envelope.

    At death of a human carbon form, if it is slow, natural and not like a piano falling out of a high rise on our head, the differentiated matrix of Prana’h (multiplicity) begins to collapse as we lose control and are forced to check out. The successive mergers of 10 forced elements into less than ten and loss of connection in the natural death process is what gets degraded on the way out. We lose contact with the mental/physical connection. Then we are no more.

    So my take on this. You are correct that everything has an aerial aura. The coin has a generic, non differentiated field necessary to maintain physical presence. Life on our planet grabs and bends the available stuff to mold into a temporary vehicle for the rules of local life requirement. Way bigger party going on while we are alive. Aerial field still there in reduced and less complicated presence until the last molecule of our corpse decays.


  8. About the second body and why the armpits don’t stink.

    Sister Jyotishvarii described the appearance and wonders what the fork is it doing there. As if we don’t have enough troubles keeping the dense body together.

    Unfortunately, this could take several sections and degrade into speak in tongues stuff, but I hope some will find interest and get inspired to explore deeper.

    Jeez, where to start on this. I would ask Jyoti to dive in and help me out as well, especially since you started all of this. It’s all your fault.

    So where is it. It resides in what the ancient heathens called aerial factor. Same strata as gravitational waves. It is a fabric, particulate in nature but as such has no weight or “rest mass”. Therefore transactions of the things it has to metabolize happen at light speed. Way more efficient than USB 2.0 or even Firewire as a connection from the physical universe to that which is outside the physical universe. Think of it as an interface and processing stage between mind and the dense physical structure. Point is that even though the second body is extremely subtle, it is still physical. It still maintains bearing within three dimensional space.

    The human entity has seven bodies and pure consciousness at the core. Cognition and 5 of our bodies are outside space, peering into dense activity processed by the crude body and the subtle energy body. We are all the ultimate ET’s.

    Recognition of the second body is one of the first of lower clairvoyancies realized in the ascent for one executing a real yoga process. Can take a couple years or more of intense practice before things start to get beautifully weird. Outside the realm of perception for the spandex yoga club circuit.

    The aspirant begins to realize a subtle lightness and mental peace, and realizes he or she can see an energetic blue outline of their body even if the eyes are closed, sometimes concomitant with a more dim recognition of the corresponding fields around other objects in close proximity. Perception is because of the meeting of two factors. The intensification of energy in the second body by the augmentation process making it brighter, and development of higher senses activated in the area of the pituitary gland, pineal gland and surrounding regions.

    I tried to explain how jad’asphota reactivity can disrupt everything from our second pranic structure down to the dense body, and as well in things inanimate, but that space is a hard stop. You can’t bust space back to mind through non living clash.

    Exit of matter from physical space is hard earned, but does happen so Jyoti doesn’t have to get an iron bra.

    Ignition of a life form is virtually impossible. The universe preserves and jealously guards this highest gift, but it does originate through the inanimate clash of particles and energies. It is about infinitely impossible but given the about infinity of events, life is bound to happen. Often on a planetary system, like ours, the initial life colloid gets a good chance to prosper and diversify. It is not that new life is not happening with a new exit key, but the new comer on the block tends to get eaten by the dominant genetic line and thus no chance to develop.

    On good ol planet earth, the key was broken quite a long time ago. There may have been other keys, but the one we all owe thanks to was an alignment of 10 distortions in the gravitational field. In that impossible nano nano second, a small portion of physical matter disintegrated over the brink of space to fuel the rudimentary structure of mind. Thus was our origin.

    The pranic structure, second body with the original 10 elements or colorations at the aerial interface is common to all life on earth from a virus to a human. Only the function is more complex with higher evolved units.

    Takin a break but will move this forward to something that makes sense (I hope…).


    • Thanks 1
  9. Yes Craig. Not exact but a visual representation of what is going on in real time. What is missed in the idea of a photo is the constant change going on. Picture of an "aura" is obsolete as soon as the image is rendered.

    Color Kirlean photographs are a surrogate and can't be interpreted directly as to what the colors mean. The hi voltage, low amperage flash rips through color photo medium are due to a lightening force disturbance that momentarily ionizes atmospheric and normally stable nitrogen N2 structure. Tempest in a tea pot.  Microsecond re equilibration dumps photons in the purple and ultraviolet spectrum. Purple stuff within the range of human eye sight is captured as coloration but is not diagnostic as to what is really happening.

    Had the honor many years ago to be in a lab trying to photograph auras. Attempt was to give evidence of what was there to our latent capacity of second sight. Bring it to the attention of our fellow travelers. Mainly did black and white imaging because it was devoid of collapsing air artifacts and was way more easy to deal with.


    • Like 1
  10. Jyoti, Grem, Thanks guys…

    Not up to date on latest med imaging devices. Been a retired vegetable for going on three years. You kinda lose track of things and where they are at.

    They did have an imaging format that showed locations of pain. Before, the dude begging for narcotics was cast off as a stoned drug seeker, addict. Modern imaging of bioelectric fields as far as we can do showed the location of pain and gave it a more real argument from the standpoint of the person experiencing pain.

    Old school ignorant me, and was thinking mainly of Kirlean photography. Absolute fascinating history. More cool than cool. Allah, don’t get me started on this. Please do a web search to open the doors as to what this means. Even the most hard core cannibal atheist can search on the phantom leaf effect and be inspired to take one finger out of a nostril for a brief moment.

    Jad’asphota does exist on the microcosmic level. Even in collapsing black holes, the progress and laws still apply to the microcosm in a more gentle unobserved environment.

    An example would be out of many a chlorophyll molecule inside a green plant. Kinship to plant life and our common origin as we split off the evolutionary tree is blatantly apparent. Swap out an iron atom for a magnesium atom and we are brothers and sisters in the blood that flows through our veins.

    The complex chlorophyll structure is armed to accept a single particle of light, photon thing. Closer to the core of the structure, an electron field is elevated to a higher level of energetics. The photon disappears and the electron matrix vibrates further from the controlling nucleus. Vanishing photon is example of a less dramatic crudification. Product of involution (Sainc’ara)

    We can’t yet eat light. Downgrade of the stale chlorophyll molecule rots and the photon is released back. Jad’asphota in the clash and cohesions blowing the electron structure back stream against pressure trying to make rocks.

    In the crude physical body of the modern human ape we still got turmoil going on to live and breathe even though it is not apparent on the surface.

    On to why the armpits of the second physical body don’t stink.


  11. Craig,

    You nailed it. About embarrassed to release another tirade since you already answered the cardinal point of it all in a sentence. Since I got it rolling, still owe it to flame out with some technical stuff that I think you know means nothing in the long haul. Close the topic...

    Final thoughts therefore on the thing called jad’asphota… Swami guru yoga philosophical stuff and the like. And also sagging boobs. Got to tie that in here somewhere to seek proper closure.

    All regarding balance of matter and free space in our vast but not infinite physical universe. If the universe were open ended endless this would not be a problem but as Jyotishvarii said, we are living in an “egg” so to speak. Means pretty big, but could get filled up over the length of time the process of creating matter has been going on.

    Physical substance is continually pouring into space. Within the encasement, rev Einstein discovered that you can change the state of something but everything is accounted for. Like if you burn a match, you could add up all the energy and byproducts after the burn to equal everything. Called it conservation of mass and energy, or something like that. E equals MC whatever it equals. Side note, rev Einstein also discovered the curved nature of space supporting the ancient heathen revelation of an egg shaped universe. Thanks Al.

    In a broader sense we can apply this to life. Whether a bacteria or a Christ or anything living in between.

    The E equals MC something rule still applies. There is absolute conservation of mass and energy, but a caveat that even brother Al didn’t have info about. If you could take a blade of grass and somehow measure a minute’s growth and bending toward the sun. Add up all the intake and response, E equals fails, or seems to fail because the right side of the equation comes up short. Something went somewhere, something disappeared and is unaccounted for. Where did it done go to?

    This is because living metabolic machinery decimates portions of physical substance and in effect tosses it over the brink back outside of the 3D structure to become 2D vibrational energies in the crudest structure of “mind”.  Struggling against the tide to get back home. Swami guru yada yada stuff defines the adjacent 2D complex as Kamamaya kos’a, literally the “desire body”. Crudest of five mental bodies the human primate possesses over our short stay. Nowhere to be found in space. Can’t put it under a microscope because there is nothing there to see. Some medical and scientific imaging devices can however detect the resonation of mind on the crude encasement. Will just take awhile to correctly  interpret what they see and make sense out of it.

    Function of the “Kamamaya” receptacle is to receive sense data, translated by the second physical body and telepathized onto the clay of the mental plate so we can internally give recognition to the constant flow of sense data. Then send it back into space. Get it recoded so we can react. Talk about the ultimate online software activation process. Fortunately quicker and way more stable than Ilok.

    So a blade of grass seems to elude conservation laws but striking a match does not.

    Back to the limitations of jad’asphota. Term only means blowback of forces seeking a solid focal point if God screws up. I mean, got to be one hell of a job trying to keep everything together and in order across the star fields. Condensation vectors don’t always work like planned. Too much, too little, aimed in the wrong direction. The failed attempt in inanimate systems seeks a way out, to escape the indignation and regain primordial status as non degraded consciousness.

    Universal design has put a safeguard at the edge of the space/mind interface. God protecting Herself, so to speak. Ability to put failures of intent on the back burner for awhile. Everything in the manifest sphere can thus blow apart all over the place. Throw outrageous parties, but space limits any retraction further. If this were not the case, we would be in turmoil. Chunks of space would be vanishing maybe with anything occupying the area.

    Jad’asphota of the inanimate is only available for strata cruder than space. Space fabric can’t retract as an inanimate substance. Got nowhere to go or escape to. Already backed up against an iron clad wall with (fortunately) no way out.

    Jad’asphota is supposedly most evident in collapsing stars where all hell breaks loose.

    It is happening all around and inside us on atomic and molecular levels as part of the play. Can explain more, but not going to slit my wrists if nobody is interested.

    So my opinion for sister Jyoti’s concern. Jad’asphota has no force to liberate physicality back into causal realms. Without the exit path of metabolism in living entities all across the galaxies, solid matter would build up until we would be encased in cement.

    The biggest ramification, most important result of all of this is…

    Yes, a chicks tits would definitely sag prematurely.

    Thread not locked yet, so can move on about the function of our second physical body.


  12. Some thoughts on Jad’asphota and sagging breasts. What is it  (jad’asphota, not breasts…)

    Swami guru philosophy yoga stuff and the like contends our Origin is infinite. Not because our tape measure hit the end of the spring but because Source is outside the bearing of dimensional confines.

    The ancient heathens also said that our Origin is eternal. Not because our clock ran out of batteries but because Origin is outside the confines of a clock. In both cases, we cannot measure something that is beyond measurement.

    Through a complex sequence of operations, primordial Cognition allows Itself to be taken for a ride down a gradient of condensation with new attributes being gained, but others lost in each step of degradation. End point of the involutionary arc is with the compression of cognition into solid matter, having no idea any more that it is cognition. Just a rock.

    Dimensions, length, width, depth are slowly devolved in turn as proximity to Truth gets more obscured.

    Yoga stuff contends that the cosmos, observed and hidden is an internal projection, dream if you will to Creator. For the manifest life form, there is an internal and external environment (duh…).

    Cutoff point, inside versus outside is space. Hard line more secure than Trump’s wall. It took eons of time to took to start setting up our physical environment. Vibratory substance, “ectoplasm” outside but adjacent to the 3D bearing rolled over on itself in the clash of more crowded real estate. First particle of space was formed in the collapse. Current science has no word or concept associated. They will up the line. Means that at one time in an incalculable past, the physical universe came into being and was smaller than a theoretical dot. You couldn’t move around too much, but up and sideways and forward was established. Then a second etheron was condensed over the brink. Universe was twice as big. Then a third and so on until there was finally some breathing room. The crudest faction of mind had become the most subtle element of the expanding physical strata.

    Space is under condensative pressure where a new envelope of collapse occurs and we have particulate fields devolving new properties. Gravitational waves and the life energy fields (prana'h) for planet earth life forms are within this bandwidth. This is where our second physical structure is (hopefully) alive and well. So it goes step by step, gradient by gradient until an insentient rock puts an end to the party. Process says to stop because there ain’t nothing no cruder to be made within the confines of our local field. Give it a break.

    The clash and ferment gets worse as things try to devolve into manifest physical substance.  Sometimes Origin’s “Operative Principle” (Prakr’ti) goes too balls to the wall and overshoots the innocent attempt to condense further and screws things up. Think of this like if you were trying to build a house of cards and were getting to a precarious place of balance and put a card off center and the thing collapses. Then you pick up with whatever is left and try to rebuild again. Think if you had to do this salvage effort forever.

    This is where rev Jyoti mentioned the imbalance of interial seeking vectors.

    Every foci of physicality is only maintained if the forces of condensation are balanced. Excess or too light the omnidirectional force, and the physical point is lost. If the focus is skewed, physical integrity is lost and the nucleus tries to expand back to Origin.

    I about run out of yada yada stuff for today. Can I pick this back up tomorrow. Will try to remember where I was at.

    Love you all,


  13. Okay brother Grem, just hope I don't piss too many off... Hope you are staying warm in the arctic blasts.

    Can offer some thoughts as to why a chick’s boobs will sag to the floor faster if cosmic “intent” were taken away from us. Miss Jyoti thinks it would not be a problem. I think it could be a problem, so just my take on this..

    Trying to avoid speak in tongues stuff, but difficult because our culture and language have no equivalents. Fundamental reason is that the concepts are outside and beautifully way above our radar of “normal” experience, so they don't exist except for an occasional distorted blurb on the back page of the Enquirer. Development of advanced cognitive faculties necessary to even resonate with some of the jargon, and these gifts don’t come easy if we aren’t yet born with the capacity. Just where it is at and where we are at. Everyone is high inside. Everybody a gem beyond anything that may be chattering away on the surface even if we are unable to feel it in the struggle of every day life.

    Question on Jad’asphota or even primordial life in combination with the process precluding a solid concrete universe in time.

    Dismal background. Yoga swami guru stuff asserts that the universe around us is an internal projection of Creator, Source, God, Origin, Big Kahuna, whatever we wanna call It. Essence of “I” at the core undergoing complex stages of condensation until self aware consciousness is temporarily degraded to an insentient piece of gravel. The rock needed to support a multiplicity of independent reflections given a common origin. Nothing less than a solid structure could maintain independent integrity as a focus of reflection to engage in the play and orchestrate the struggle back home.

    The universe has evidently been going on since infinity. Cognition degrades and enters three dimensional space and then starts the long road back. Salvation to a rock and back to Salvation.

    Equilibrium in 3D space is achieved by a give and take of matter entering in all around us and the exit of matter by, and only by the metabolism of life forms. Explanation or discussion is way too much for here. The space around us is not filled solid by matter entering faster than it is exiting by the give and take of the actual design. Reference again Jyoti’s comment about an egg shaped universe. This is correct. The oval encasement is extremely vast, but not infinite. Highest saints, way beyond where I will ever get in this life describe the physical universe as a minute spec floating in an infinite support matrix of cosmic mind.

    If “intent” to resurface by the unit entity (which is not there to begin with) was taken out of the equation, then would not the influx override the outflux and we would be a solid rock if not for a couple safeguards. The thought by our dear sister that a “hook” in the hypothetical process would save us all in conjunction with the process of Jad’asphota. The hook meaning that previral life forms could still develop in insane environments and go south after one grand entrance before terminal death, but still fuel the metabolic exit of physical substance. Hook because the entire arc of evolution would have bounced back enough from the clash that ignites rudimentary life to send some rocks back over the brink but not complete the full circle.

    Jad’asphota has inherent imposed limitations on how far back entropy can reverse the process to make rocks. Think this may be part of the misunderstanding.

    Getting late and I got to finish my last beer, get ready for volunteer work at the homeless shelter.

    Will pick up with what the hell is Jad’asphota and how it ties into the mystery. Why it won’t protect any of us from anatomical sagging.

    (Doing okay so far?...)

    Love you all,


  14. Guys,

    As much as I wanna tell why a chick’s boobs sag, wanna as well give some more info so either support or the fires of outrage are based on something tangible.

    Old Cakewalk forum I was trying to get a Youtube vid posted. Was merrily waltzing around the place with a camera testing new found skills. Glanced off a wall where we have a very old and rare photo blown up into a poster. The photo was of a late dear coworker of mine. 1970’s in New Delhi, India.

    Sister Jyotishvarii caught the photo because in a strange and small universe, the figure was a dear friend of her father. Jyoti, I don’t know what you knew of the guy, but the insane dialog followed.

    Please correct if I screwed something up, but you were a precocious early adapter of the Self Realization Fellowship discipline founded by Paramahansa Yogananda. His Autobiography of a Yogi is about required reading for any aspirant seeking a higher ground of understanding. Her mother followed SRF and her father a more tortured path called “Ananda Marga”. Me and her late Dad were and are being mutilated into the dust by something we didn’t bargain for in the beginning.

    If I interpret correctly, Jyoti was allowed to train in SRF but in addition, studied the texts of her father’s lineage. Her Dad said that there were philosophical differences that could not be reconciled and avoided these impasses in nightly candle light studies of the “Ananda Sutram”.

    All crap hit the fan, and my fault to have brought it up way late in the journey back on the old forum.

    In the Autobiography, Yogananda goes through grieving the death of his teacher Sri Yukteshvar. In a critical chapter of the book, Yukteshvar does a paranormal thing and appears after death to Yogananda (from the perspective of Yogananda...). In the bliss that followed, Yukteshvar explains that only the physical body is gone. After death, you are jumping around in delight on various astral planes. Best yet to come.

    Ananda Marga philosophy is not as pretty. When death occurs, there is nothing that exists as a hopeful vapor dancing around in paradise. Biggest clash of this is exactly because none of this is about anything remotely dealing with religion.

    In a religion, say you have two tribes on the opposite sides of a river. Tribe on the right has scriptures that you get 110 virgins after death and everyone on the left side goes to hell. Guys on the left side are down there in sack cloth and ashes over the blasphemy because you really get 130 virgins after death and everyone on the right side of the river goes to hell. The proof of the claims is beyond dispute on either side. It is written on page 32 of a local book or carved with coal on tree bark. Guys on the other side reference page 20 of their book. Drop dead and you will see.

    In a direct spiritual science, there should be no contradiction no matter where it comes from if the approach is correct. I got my thoughts on how the abyss happened but don’t want to open a can of worms.

    Will come back and try to resolve ladies and their sagging boobs if a few rules of equilibrium were altered. Jyoti, you will not have sagged below your knees before I can get you an answer. I won’t let you down. There is yet hope.

    Love you all,


  15. Hey Ed, was wondering the same thing, but would submit that this crazy dialog is about something more greater than the respected sisters, till the thread gets locked for blasphemy and goes off the bottom of the bird cage. Got to make hay while the sun shines.

    Jyoti, damn girl, you are for real. Second sight of the subtle physical structure was something you inherited in this life but not a gift you did not deserve without trial and sacrifice in some ancient past to get where you are now.

    The secondary structure is necessary to transmit physical sense data to mind, both coming and going to actuate a physical response to the material assault we each face to survive as an isolated organism. Can maybe explain this better, but as per your request, first thoughts on why a chick's boobs will sag under a hypothetical condition of input minus output disruption .



  16. Jyoti,

    Will be a hard sell to your family for sure. Have some thoughts on a concrete universe but was wondering...

    Can you describe your impressions of the secondary physical body. I may have some answers of what it is there for.  What do you "see" ?


    (uh... dealing with a mother-in-law conflict is way beyond anything I would ever want to get involved with...)

  17. Gentlemen,

    One rude crude dude to another.

    Don’t want to embarrass sister Jyotishvarii, but closest presence to an Angel has touched down here. Don’t know why we all ran into each other, but a gift to this wacked out forum by a soul way beyond most of our comprehension. Please correct if I screwed something up in your history, and no fake humility allowed.

    Drawing inferences from previous Cake posts, her early clairvoyancies about past life recognition, perception of the mental “auras” was considered normal until she went to grade school and realized she was an “abnormal” entity. No one else shared her gift and she became an outcast. Her social thread locked by a rabble not worthy to kiss her feet.

    The girl had the good fortune, good genetics to be born into a family of devout mystics who started her training before subtle perceptions die off for life as is the fate of the common carbon infestation. Most have an initial chance and prolonged latent ability to rise above the death experience, but few know there is an exit to escape the Reaper (and not talking about the DAW…). Even among those very few who realize that a path to freedom exists, almost none can face the hardship and the discipline to get free.

    For the rest of us lost fuks like you and me, we got to climb out of the dust with extreme force, years of effort to develop the second sight that puts existence into perspective and liberates us from any fear or control of physical death. That’s why we are here, but we are drowning rats without a clue of what it was all supposed to be about. Fortunately for the universe at large, our defective probe is allowed to eat, procreate and defecate for a short time until programmed extinction. An experiment failed if you will for the short term anyway.

    This is where the conflict began between systems where there should have been no conflict. Me and Angel butting heads, although she is way higher than what I will likely reach. If I could just stop drinking beer…

    More about this. Jyoti, any ideas how to bullet proof the thread if you start babbling about some secondary physical structure?


  18. Thanks guys. It is great to be bouncing around with good old warriors from the Cakewalk days.

    Thanks also Paulo for being a voice of reason on a couple counts. I misinterpreted Mal Content’s comments and saw inevitable chaos coming (sorry Mal). It was not a reaction to the discussion but to the locking of his post which was overly harsh.  I had figured it would be best to pull the plug on my tirade before all hell broke loose.

    Also if you read thru the stuff several times and it was still senseless, then it isn’t doing any good.  I should do a more down to earth explanation of what it is about and why the topic got rolling in the first place. Was a residual carryover from the old forum that started innocent enough.

    Jyoti, brilliant salvage if needed. Can add some remarks that should explain a girl’s breast sagging under increased gravitation. You are however going to have to get more creative to legitimize things if you start talking about our second physical body.

    Will get back when I can get a break. Spending a lot of time volunteering at the warming shelter for homeless. We were spared the arctic blast but now getting a bite from the tail end. The suffering and hopelessness is a terrible thing to witness.


  19. Hey Guys,

    Quick response to Mal Content.  Where Miss Jyoti comes from, the "rev" intro means someone who is a friend and respected. Not that I am worthy of her epithet, but has nothing to do with religion. She also nailed the truth that real yoga has nothing to do with religion. In the cross hairs and without adequate understanding, my diatribe will be confused with some half baked religion. There is no connection and no intent to compete with any local belief system. I do feel you may have been unfairly treated and your side of the story not properly heard when you were shut down. Problem is as you have experienced is that we are becoming too thin skinned in the paranoid search for political correctness and all the artificial boundaries we erect and the energy we drain trying to keep up. Not anything you can say or do that will not mortally offend someone and send them off to grief counseling and a lawsuit for psychological pain and suffering. Or on a lesser level, have a thread locked here for blasphemy. Nothing a few thousand years won't work out though so there is hope on the horizon long after we are dust and our idiocy is buried with us.

    Jyoti, thank you for your kind words.

    Discretion tends toward ending this because people are starting to getting hurt. Coffee House is not ready for you. It was so refreshing to have someone throw me against the wall and challenge with articles of real substance. You wondered if I feel the same frustration. Yes although it becomes less painful over time. It is like walking among the living dead "Look at you all. See the Love there that's sleeping." You understand this.

    Been decades since someone took me for a ride like you. Your questions, concerns are way outside above and beyond the radar of this forum. I think I can answer some of them. Can you PM me with an email or phone number. We can talk. Continuing a discourse here will only lead to confusion, fear, bad vibes until the thread is locked. Nobody wins. I do have to apologize for taking a swipe at rev Trump. This did violate the political thing and I bear full responsibility.

    Stay warm dear sister, and may all be well.




  20. Hey Jyoti,

    My thoughts on “intent”. Could start with a premise everyone can agree on. Plain English.

    If there is no mind, there can be no intent since some level of mentation is necessary to go forward with any thought or action. Out of trouble so far. From here going forward, may all hell break loose if it has to…

    After death, Kamamaya kos’a, Manomya kos’a, physical bodies (both of them) are disconnected with Atimanasa kos’a which needs the connection to function. Not to exist, but to function. Causal mind is there for the long haul for however long it takes to resurrect us from ignorance. Most folks don’t know they have two physical bodies. Don’t tell this to the lawyers. They will have a feast in new medical malpractice lawsuits.

    At death, the two dimensional ectoplasmic containers of the waking state and the dream state vaporize like a puff of smoke. Their debris still colored by the level of vibration of the owner and recycled by something else that can make use of the residue in the state we last left it. Think of it as subtle composting for the garden.

    Connect with unconscious causal mind is lost and there is no bearing to function or operate in the lower 3D levels necessary to support a waking state. Contact with the manifest universe is broken. Commerce with the subconscious is obliterated meaning as well forfeiting the learning experience of a whole lifetime. Manomaya kos’a was there to aggregate repeated experience so that every time we picked up a cup of water, we did not have to relearn the process from the beginning. Current primates obtain a limited glimpse of uncontrolled access to Manomaya when they dream.

    Engrams, like a digital record of a single life is imprinted and stored in the crudest of our three causal mental bodies. Not that experience and memory is lost over the eons, but stored like data on a backup drive. Causal mind is non vibrational, thus part of the problem of retrieving any data by a current humanoid primate brain. In deep sleep when we function in a causal state, the faculty is there in potential to realize what is going on, but few know that there are means of access. Even those who know what is needed can’t sustain the effort to transcend. Hard road to hoe getting free.

    On the physical level, down here in comfortable 3D space, death leaves the dense structure to rot. The second physical body undergoes a reverse maintenance of dissembling itself even before dense death of the crude “flesh and blood” machine. Loss of identity or differentiation of the pranic structure is what disconnects mind from body. Second body is the transducer connecting mind to dense body while we are alive. If this commerce or equilibrium is disturbed too badly, we check out.

    Strange quirk is that amongst ten gradients of our subtle second physical body that sparked the exit code of life on our planet, dananjaya vayu remains intact and decays away as the corpse decays. Things like cremation liberate this residual life force element back into the realm of where gravitational waves do their thing. This prana fraction can even be seen by normal people. It tries to disperse but cannot dissociate from the dead body while the rest of the elements have been liberated and on their merry way. The subtle element tries to rise away but can only levitate several feet above the body. Has to be ideal light, temp, humidity conditions and a non embalmed body not buried too deep, but taking a lovely evening stroll past a fresh grave may reveal a very faint violet mist over the coffin.

    Crap, blubbering on too long. Gots to continue later. Point so far is that the disembodied unit can never be the origin of intent, since in the after death state, there is nothing functional that can act, nothing that can think, nothing that can do nothing. So I guess the question is what prods the universe to seek a higher ground.

    Be back,


  21. Grem, Jyoti,

    So good to reconnect with you and hope you are out of the arctic deep freeze. Pacific Northwest coast has been spared for once.

    Jyoti, will get back with "Intent" and with Jad'asphota.

    Quick answer if dissolution under maladaptive pressure to make rocks would counterbalance the absence of higher life maintaining exit routes.

    Quick answer is no. In such a hypothetical condition, jad'asphota would possible retard but not preclude a shutdown even worse than what Trump did. Would just take a bit longer.

    Be back (now 12 at 12...?)


  22. Hey Jyoti,

    Some thoughts… Can’t remember where it iz we waz but something about “intent”

    You had said you and your father studied these writings nightly by candle light. Can assume then that I can dump some of the original ethnic phrases into the mix and you will understand what is going on. For the rest of the respected beautiful souls here, opportunity for a good hearted comedic jab at some slobbering idiots babbling away in tongues.

    You said Videhiima’nase yayda yada speak in tongues etc etc  Question how intent registers in parallel without conflict from other dialogs. Contradiction red flag, and especially when diametric opposite with Yogananda’s spin on things in the reappearance of Sri Yukteshvar and what he done had to say about death. No wonder you want to crucify me.

    There has to be intent otherwise we would not be here. Where you are missing the point is in the origin of intent, and granted the demarcation is obscure trying making sense out of the writings.

    Realize that if intent were not there, the involutionary Sainc’ara process could not turn around, make full circle beside a small hook before being terminated. Pratisain’cara would be brought to a halt after the manifestation of previral microvita under the stress of wherever it happens in the galaxies. We would not be here. Never given the chance to be self aware if there were not intent coming from somewhere.

    Ramification for the three dimensional environment would be a mess. Since the play of here and back has been going on for eternity, without intent, there would be no physical space left. The three dimensional arena would be a solid rock without exit of matter trying to get back to Source. Metabolic activity of living organisms on any planet is evolved in balance to secure equilibrium. We don’t get too stuffed or too thin. Thank your gardener the next time you water your lawn.

    If you could take “intent” out of the universe at this moment, it would take eons of time to encase the universe into a solid mass, fill in all the space between the stars. What would happen however is with the death of every bacteria, of every high saint, the Universe would become more stupid, death by death until all left would be the temporary hook in the cycle evolving barely crystal matrix memory until that life form dies. Not a viable process and fortunately it does not work that way..

    Got to run, but realize I haven’t gotten to your concern. Dam good catch girl.

    More at 11.


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