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Jim Hurley

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Posts posted by Jim Hurley

  1. I think that scan is just looking for new and changed plug-ins. I think the 'grovel' is when each plug-in is queried of all it 'can dos' and stuff like that. Usually that makes lots of system calls, registry changes, etc.

    There will always need to be a new/changed scan, but not the initial 'grovel' type.

    This is my assumption, I have no direct knowledge.




  2. For the last several releases, Sound Forge has opened with an optional tutorial window.

    You can disable the view of that, but you can't disable the creation at startup of the tutorials, as far as I can see.

    What happens behind the scenes is that 'sftutor.dll' in the install folder  opens the install file 'forge.tut' which is basically a 7-zip archive of a web page.

    Then sftutor extracts that and then opens a 'show me'  function that uses internet explorer to do the tutorial which can highlight parts of Sound Forge as it proceeds.

    This tutorial is deleted when you close Sound Forge. At least with my settings that happens,

    Even though my temp file is set to 'D:\Temp' in Sound Forge, the tutorials will be build in 'C:\Temp', or whatever the environment TEMP variable is pointing to.

    I have tried to disable this in several ways.

    The first was by using Sysinternal Suite 'Procmon' tool to examine the system calls during this time.

    I did not see any obvious Registry calls that might bypass these steps.

    Next I tried renaming 'forge.tut'. That will generate a startup error, but if you ignore it,  it may work, as Sound Forge appears to open OK. But I don't like that.

    Next I tried to delete sftutor.dll but that throws an installation error.

    I used to have a 'dummy.dll' lying around for this purpose - rename it to sftutor.dll and nothing will happen. But I have not used that in years and I can't find it anymore.

    So I gave up and just let it be.

    The tutorial comprises 297 Files in 8 Folders, so it isn't insignificant.

    Has anyone else been bothered by this enough to do something about it?

    My post at Magix forum:


  3. One thing I noticed is that in the tools editor, the CmdArgs does not appear to be used by Sound Forge.

    Even manually setting CmdArgs in the registry or trying to mangle the ExePath to put in arguments does not work.

    Or I am doing something wrong.

    I was trying to pass /NOVSTGROVEL /NODXGROVEL to Sound Forge 15.

    I think I tried to do this in prior versions to no avail as well.

    It does work when launched from Shortcuts and things like that.

  4. 1 hour ago, scook said:

    Are you sure about this?

    I don't use AUDACITY but AFAIK it does not support passing wav files on the command line.

    At least no one using AUDACITY has ever report successfully using a newer version of it as a WaveEditor in SONAR/CbB.

    Without command line support, there is no convenient way to pass data between CbB and another program using the CbB WaveEditor feature.

    I don't use Audacity, but this post says it allows files on the command line:


  5. Just now, Tony Carpenter said:

    $299 to upgrade from Suite.. ouch, hard pass!!.

    My upgrade price from 14 Pro was $99. I think that is a bit high for the new features, but not outrageous.

    I probably won't be using the remote or the audiobooks export. The new actions processing needs to be better visualized, but it is a start.

    I could have skipped this update, probably, and not missed much.

    But I do like to support a tool that I use so much.


  6. 2 hours ago, RSMcGuitar said:

    Hey why do you guys use an audio editor like this instead of just a DAW? Just curious.

    There are many reasons. I find waveform editing to be easier in a separate tool. Many sampler VSTs allow an external editor. Batch scripting. Region processing. Slicing.

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  7. On 1/28/2021 at 6:02 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

    Could any of you folks running high core count PC’s please try the latest hot fix? ESP those running AMD Ryzen systems.
    There are some optimizations and fixes for MMCSS that might improve performance. If nothing I just want to make sure that it doesn’t cause any issues.

    This project is one of several that I use to test for dropouts and performance issues. I have a 9900K running at 5.1 gHz.

    I set the buffer to 144 samples at 48kHz and I run the WASAPI exclusive drivers using the 64-bit double precision engine, Pow-r 3 dithering.

    The project uses 20 instances of MassiveX using a brutal preset and 64 notes (voices).

    I don't see any issues at all.



  8. Yes. I often run Reaktor in standalone mode using this batch file to put eight copies in their own core. (Reaktor only uses a single core for its audio).

    In an even more extreme case I can just select the best performing cores as most CPUs these days have varying qualities of core performances.

    I have 4 or 5 good ones and 3 poorer performing ones, I believe that is fairly common in the Silicon Lottery. I don't believe my CPU is above average in any regard.

    The '/high' means set high priority.


    rem Start 8 versions of Reaktor 6 standalone, one in each physical core, running in the even hyperthreads
    rem Jim Hurley 10 Feb 2019
    start "CPU  0               1" /high /affinity 0x0001 "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6\Reaktor 6.exe"
    start "CPU  2             100" /high /affinity 0x0004 "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6\Reaktor 6.exe"
    start "CPU  4           10000" /high /affinity 0x0010 "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6\Reaktor 6.exe" 
    start "CPU  6         1000000" /high /affinity 0x0040 "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6\Reaktor 6.exe" 
    start "CPU  8       100000000" /high /affinity 0x0100 "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6\Reaktor 6.exe"
    start "CPU 10     10000000000" /high /affinity 0x0400 "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6\Reaktor 6.exe"
    start "CPU 12   1000000000000" /high /affinity 0x1000 "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6\Reaktor 6.exe" 
    start "CPU 14 100000000000000" /high /affinity 0x4000 "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6\Reaktor 6.exe"


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  9. I have a 9900K (8 core/16 thread - 5.1Ghz) system with a custom waterblock loop (420 mm radiator/ EK Magnitude wb) and fairly good overclocking capabilities. It is about 2 years old now and it has performed quite well in things like Folding@home and neural net training,  beside audio. 

    I use Windows  Pro 20H2 build 19042.662.

    I built a Reaktor ensemble that allows me to dial in the amount of load it uses on an audio track from about 10% load to 90% load (as reported by the Reaktor CPU load indicator.

    Although I normally don't worry much about audio settings, when I need some extreme performance, I find that hyperthreading might get in the way. In the case of using this Reaktor tool, it is immediately obvious - but that is probably because it is the same process running in the hyperthreads, so sharing CPU resources between the two logical cores is not optimal.

    Here are some images of the results.

    The first is showing 8 copies of the tool set at load = 60%. I hear audio glitches sporadically at this setting, but not when the load is 50%.




    Next, if I set the CPU affinity to Cakewalk to use only the even cores I can run the load up to 90% with no glitches at all.




    I use the 'Ultimate Performance Power Plan':



    And I use MSI Util to set all interrupts in the MSI mode (but I don't think this matters very much, I don't see much different when normal interrupts are on):





    Here are my driver settings:




    and Aud.ini:




    And a short Latency Mon run:



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