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Everything posted by Rain

  1. I'm sorry Diablo. That was not an actual suggestion - just me piggybacking on Craig's comment about the frequency and using it as a platform to make a stupid joke. We do this a lot around here but that's no excuse.
  2. 😁 I absolutely am. 🇨🇦 In true stereotypical Canadian fashion, I must say that I am sorry for indeed being Canadian, thereby rendering your preemptive request for forgiveness unnecessary. That was uncharacteristically rude of me, and I apologize.
  3. You hacked the T word? You got balls, sir. Mucho cojones, señor.
  4. Kenneth, is that you? I believe Dan Rather may have an explanation for that.
  5. I've been working with the same DAW for over a decade and there are lots of stock plugins I've never ever used, so I guess not.
  6. On their computer at the very least - that I can personally confirm.
  7. At a glance, all these apps have a Mac version. Seeing how relatively extensive the list is (it even includes the iPad versions of certain apps as separate entries), I'd say that they may be biased a little.
  8. I'm in Vegas. I pretty sure we have a casino that's also a church, a brothel and a wedding chapel, somewhere.
  9. Wouldn't be Christmas without these. In fact, I've been known to play them at the most random times of the year. Putting up a Christmas tree in the middle of the summer can be quite therapeutic.
  10. Merry Christmas, you guys. And remember - if you eat fiber on Christmas Eve, he might come to your town...
  11. I wish! lol That's roughly $20 plus tip a week- to the grocery and back.
  12. I can imagine yes, and a lot of people have told me so, but I never even got my license. Ironic considering my line of work. Grew up in a small town where I could walk everywhere, then moved to a city where public transportation was adequate and where owning a car can be a PITA, especially during winter months - driving around the block for half an hour to find a parking spot and then having to wake up at 4 am to move your car because of snow removal (which probably means that your car is also buried under the snow and you'll have to spend some quality time with that shovel.) I thought of getting my license when we were thinking of having a kid, but otherwise, it's never been something I was interested in. And the world probably is a much safer place because of that. 😁
  13. 🤣 I'm actually the proud owner of a cell phone with the Uber app installed on it. My transportation budget is roughly $90-100 a month. Hard to beat.
  14. Phew. Sure glad I don't own a car.
  15. Ozzy's lawyers will back you up on this.
  16. That being said, I believe it's time someone said it out loud. Enough with mankles, already! You ain't 4 and this isn't cute.
  17. I could have used 8.5 forever, with only minor adjustments here and there, and tiny cosmetic tweaks to the GUI, but really nothing drastic. In terms of layout and functionality, it felt very comfortable. If I had a powerful enough machine to run it, with the plugins I need, I'm sure I could work with it. As of right now however, it will load projects and let me export them, but that's about it. I feel the same way about Logic 9, which is the software I switched too. 10 came out over 10 years ago but it's always a pleasure to go back and work with 9. It's so lean and clean. It feels a little more transparent to me. I love 10 as well, but I'm not really a fan of the way developers always make everything bigger, with big buttons, and I abhor stuff like track icons. Which is ironic since Logic has had those from as far as I can remember - even in the late 90's - but they were a little more subtle and easier to ignore.
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