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Everything posted by Stanool

  1. I'd love to hear what you would consider a pitfall! The only one I can really think of related to architecture is not being able to route a single MIDI track to more than one device.
  2. Actually what is happening is the local Bandlab Assistant is opening the Bandlab website in your browser to do auth, and then the Bandlab website is trying to reinvoke the local Bandlab Assistant to let it know that you've authorized. So localhost is the correct URL and there's nothing to worry about regarding devs 'forgetting' to update production URLs. The problem is browser HTTPS redirection and not being able to verify the local certificate, which Chrome and Chrome-based browsers seem pretty insistent on despite having settings specifically for localhost. I had this problem and managed to get past it by calling the auth URL using Postman with all the HTTPS settings set as leniently as possible.
  3. I'm trying out the 2021.09 Export dialog on a track and am having some problems. When I export using the Export module the track exports as I expect and it sounds as per the mix in CbB. But when I export using what I believe are the same settings in the Export Dialog the audio is, well, weird. I've attached the audio of both. For the Export Dialog I had everything selected as per below so it shouldn't be some missing effect or bus. Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? 3 Ideas Remix Export Module.mp3 3 Ideas Remix Export Dialog.mp3
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