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Everything posted by Blue

  1. I have found a workaround, and that is to disable in the software the sending of MIDI clock data to the controller. This seems to fix the repeating note issue, but that might now cause issues when syncing the controller with the DAW.
  2. Hi, I'm having a similar problem as in this question, but I am perplexed at what's causing it. I'm using a Yamaha Motif ES7 and for some reason when I have MIDI output from any piece of software to the controller so the ES7 can play it back, seemingly random notes are rapidly repeating on playback. The notes aren't entirely random as they are pitched based on the velocity of the note being played. Play a note softly and a low note will start tremoloing. Play a note loudly and it will be a high note instead. In addition with MIDI OX I've found out that the repeating stops as soon as another MIDI event is triggered, be it a MIDI Off event of another note, or an aftertouch event. As long as the last MIDI event was a Note On event, than some note will start rapidly being played. The speed of the tremolo is also dependent on the tempo set on the ES7. A low tempo results in a slow tremolo while a high tempo, a rapid tremolo. Changing the MIDI sync setting on the ES7 also affects the speed of the tremolo. The rapid note is not logged at all in MIDI OX, which makes it seem like an issue with the Motif ES7, but it's never done this before. All I can think is it's the MIDI cable that I'm using which I purchased recently, but unfortunately I threw out my old one because it had a short in it, so I may have to purchase another MIDI cable to verify if that is indeed the issue. However, an odd thing is that if I have the "MIDI Bar" MIDI player that comes with MIDI OX play a MIDI file and output to my controller, the repeating note problem is non-existant, which makes me think it's not entirely the MIDI cable's fault. Does anyone have any extra ideas as to how to further debug/pinpoint the problem and/or fix the issue? Attached is an demo of the issue. Note that high velocity notes trigger the aftertouch event much more quickly which silence the repeating notes. MIDI-issue.mp3
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