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  1. It turned out to be the problem of setting up a workspace. All my problems have been solved. Thank you very much Cakewalk has been used since last year. I like it very much, but I am not proficient in many functions because I usually use a few other daw Thank you very much
  2. hanyinshan

    BPM calculator

    Wow, thank you very much. Thanks to you, I can study hard
  3. Thank you for your help. I have done it in the way described above, but I still can't open the video player. Normally, the video player will pop up automatically after importing the video There is no problem with the view I added, but the video player can't be opened
  4. hanyinshan

    BPM calculator

    I hope to have a BPM calculator, just like the BPM calculator of Cubase
  5. 之前没用过这个功能,前几天才发现视频导入进去后应该自动弹出视频播放器窗口的没有弹出来,然后像以前的SONAR版本一样在视频轨道双击小图标也无法打开播放器导致无法为视频编辑音频 I haven't used this function before. A few days ago, I found that the video player window that should pop up automatically after the video was imported didn't pop up. Then, just like the previous sonar version, double clicking the small icon in the video track can't open the player, resulting in the inability to edit audio for the videoI haven't used this function before. A few days ago, I found that the video player window that should pop up automatically after the video was imported didn't pop up. Then, just like the previous sonar version, double clicking the small icon in the video track can't open the player, resulting in the inability to edit audio for the video
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