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Everything posted by johntrem

  1. Hello: I just updated to 2021.12. The installation seemed to go well. I then started Cakewalk and a browser window popped up asking me to sign in to BandLab. When I tried to sign in, Firefox said it couldn't connect to localost xxxx and that I should wait a few minutes and try connecting later. I waited and tried several times, but it still won't connect to BandLab. Does the sign in after updating Cakewalk have to do with continuing my activation? Is this something I could do later inside of Cakewalk? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks, John
  2. This might be obvious to some, but I want to check to make sure: I did not get the update 2021.06. Can I update from 2021.04 directly to 2021.09? Will 2021.09 also have all the updates included in 2021.06? I imagine it does, but I wanted to check. Thanks, John
  3. Scook: Thanks for your reply. I appreciate the information, and it's good to know. Thanks, John
  4. Hello: I am thinking about downloading and trying out new sounds in Sforzando and Decent Sampler VST Instruments. My audio interface is set for 16-bit @ 44.1k. I also do all my projects in Cakewalk at the same audio settings. Some of the samples I'm looking at for Sforzando and Decent Sampler are done at 24-bit @ 48k. Would those files for these VSTs play correctly in my 16-bit @44.1k project or would there be a conflict. I'm a little confused by that. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks. John
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